Dune Elliott

Dune Elliott

Website:  http://www.duneelliot.net


Q:  How did you come up with your story?

‘Necromancer’ has been a story that was brewing over the years; I have read so much fantasy literature that I felt like I had a story to tell. I am a lover of edge-of-your-seat fantasy novels that keep you hooked; I am the kind of reader who, when reading a good book realizes it’s suddenly 2am, and that’s what I set out to write. I’ll admit that ‘Necromancer’ isn’t the most original story ever told, but from what I have been told, it’s written with “fresh perspective and vivid description.”

Q:  Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I have been reading books my entire life, and spent a lot of time as a child and teenager starting to write something, but never really getting anywhere with it. One day I sat down with a story in my head, and never stopped; I never set out to be a writer it was just something that happened. Ideas kept flowing and I kept putting them to paper, and I ended up with ‘Necromancer.’ Now I have so many ideas from the initial story that I’m going to be writing the stories for the rest of my life.

Q:  If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?  Why?

I don’t write full-time; I write when I feel like what’s in my head is going to contribute a positive feel to the story. When I’m not writing, I spend most of my time on horseback or checking cattle or fixing fence; ranching is in my blood and I couldn’t give it up any more than I could give up writing.

Q:  Favorite genres to read?

Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Noir, Sci Fi/Fantasy, YA

Q:  What are your pet peeves?

I can’t stand people who drop trash; it’s one of the most inconsiderate things someone can do.

Q:  What is something most people don’t know about you?

I have to have a diet Pepsi close by when I write; I’m addicted to the stuff.

Where else can we find you, other titles, or anything else you’d like to share?
I’m a fairly private person, and only those who are close to me know who the real person behind Dune Elliot is, (a pen name). I was interviewed for the Examiner online, and here’s the link for that:
Dune Elliott/Examiner Interview.

I love to talk to, and help out fellow authors in any way I can, especially those of us who are published through independent or small publishing houses. I am currently working on a promotional book video for a good friend of mine, and although I can’t do it for free, I can do it for the purchase and review of my book.

One final note; good luck to everyone who believes in the story that they have to tell…chances are, it’s good enough to be told.

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